Cheltenham Activity Camp Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding policy
The policy ensures that all staff are clear about the actions necessary with regard to a safeguarding issue.
Its aims and objectives are:
- To nominate a Designated Safeguarding Lead for the site who has received the appropriate training and has up-to-date knowledge.
- To train and educate staff in Safeguarding matters (new starters are not allowed to care for children unsupervised without this training).
- All staff to have an enhanced Disclosure and barred service.
- To provide staff with suitable information that will enhance their knowledge of how to identify abuse, operating a general policy of ‘Recognise, respond and refer’.
- To raise the awareness of all staff and identify responsibility in reporting possible cases of abuse.
- Ensure effective communication between staff with regard to information sharing.
- To ensure a cohesive and consistent procedure for those who encounter an issue of Safeguarding.
- To ensure that staff have access to the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (GSCP) contact details and procedures.
- To notify OFSTED of any incidents or accidents that may affect the safeguarding of all children. The Cheltenham Activity Camps Manager will also notify the GSCP.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead will have knowledge and training about information sharing and working in partnership with parents.
Safeguarding: Recognising and reporting
Coaches will look out for a number of concerns as detailed in the Cheltenham College policy, which is read in conjunction with the Cheltenham Activity Camp Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, and the training carried out for all coaches before the start of each camp.
Staff may be aware of safeguarding issues through:
- Observations of the child – changes in behaviour/mood/demeanour or physical signs that are a cause for concern.
- A child confiding in an adult something which is a cause for concern.
- Another parent reporting concerns they may have.
- Another agency contacting the setting, such as housing, to discuss the child.
Coaches may be the first members of the team to notice or recognise any signs of abuse on camp. During the day to day care, coaches will look after the health, safety and well-being of the children throughout and especially during swimming times. It is the duty of the CAC team to monitor the care of the children and to make sure anything noticed physically, emotionally or something has been said by the children is picked up and dealt with. This is by writing any notes onto a piece of paper and completing a Safeguarding Concern Form as soon as possible using the training and protocol used in this policy.
Safeguarding: Responding to a concern (Respond) – Coach and CAC Manager/CAC DSL’s
If a member of staff feels a child on camp is being neglected, or indicates abuse, they must respond by passing on the information using a Safeguarding Concern Form to the Camp Manager. Whereby the Camp Manager and the Camp Deputy DSL will investigate to see if the concern needs taking further. The Safeguarding Concern Form will then be used to record information, reports and concerns of abuse. If the situation can be dealt with through the Camp Manager and Camp Deputy DSL at this level, then no further action will be taken and the form will be filed away.
Further policies for Cheltenham Activity Camp
Please see further policies below
If an allegation or a concern is raised about the behaviour of a member of staff or volunteer working with children, and that concern could indicate that a member of staff or volunteer has:
- Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child; or possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicated s/he may pose a risk of harm to children.
Staff must:
Report concerns to the most senior person in your organisation not implicated in the allegation, which is the Deputy Bursar, or in their absence, the Bursar.
- Ensure the person who reported the original concern completes a Safeguarding Concern Form.
- Disclosures should be made promptly and in writing with the nature of the disclosure set out in detail, so that investigation may proceed and any action taken expeditiously.
- Cheltenham Activity Camps views Child Protection and Safeguarding as of the highest importance, and in this context poor or unsafe practice and potential failures in Cheltenham Activity Camps safeguarding procedures should be reported to a member of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) team.
- Covering up someone else’s wrongdoing is a disciplinary offence. Staff must never agree to remain silent about a wrongdoing, even if told to do by a person in authority.
- Staff will not be penalised for raising a qualifying disclosure even if it is not upheld, unless the complaint was both untrue and made with malice.
Staff code of conduct
Cheltenham Activity camp staff are required to follow the same staff code of conduct for Cheltenham College members of staff:
- Give priority to the wellbeing, development and progress of Cheltonians and children.
- Take responsibility for maintaining and developing their professional roles.
- Help Cheltonians to become confident and successful independent learners.
- Demonstrate respect for diversity and promote equality.
- Strive to establish a productive partnership with parents and guardians/carers.
- Work as part of a whole school team and co-operate with other professional colleagues.
- Demonstrate honesty, integrity and high moral standards and endeavour to ensure all actions are in the best interests of the Cheltenham College community.
Medication/medical conditions
Cheltenham Activity Camps will only administer prescribed medication to a child, e.g. inhaler or antibiotics. To do this Cheltenham Activity Camps will need written consent from the parent, signing a Child Details Form at the start of a programme.
The Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager and relevant coaches involved with the child, will document the administering of medication, as well as the dropping off and collection of the medication itself.
It is the responsibility for the parent/carer to contact Cheltenham Activity Camps of any medical conditions for their child and if CAC need to be aware of any physical or behavioural needs their child has.
Where a child needs additional care or one-to one support, parents/support workers (if an enhanced and clear DBS check has been carried out) can attend camp to support their child:
- Parents/carers have visitor status and are required to sign in and out and wear a visitor lanyard throughout their attendance.
- Parents/carers are not responsible for any other children on camp
- Parents/carers are there solely for a specific child and will provide such support to enable the child to participate on camp, without detracting from the welfare and safety of other children.
If your child carries an epi-pen for the treatment of Anaphylaxis then the parent/carer must inform us prior to your child commencing at the point of booking and Cheltenham Activity Camps must obtain written permission from the parent/carer allowing us to administer treatment in an emergency. Only those staff who have been trained may administer the injection, the parent/carer will asked to sign a form, giving consent to those trained to administer treatment.
If the child needs to bring an Epi-Pen to Cheltenham Activity Camps, it needs to be in a secure, name-labelled box and handed over to the Cheltenham Activity Camps Manager as soon as you arrive. This will ideally be a hard case box and the Group Coach will be responsible for having the Epi-Pen on them. The parent/carer will be contacted in an emergency.
Cheltenham Activity Camps, stipulate the requirement for 2 Epi Pens, one with the child at all times and one in the Sports Centre Office.
Emergency Medical Advice
Cheltenham Activity Camps will obtain written permission from every parent/carer regarding emergency medical treatment. Parent/carers will be informed immediately, If a child suffers from anaphylaxis (primarily nut allergy). Cheltenham Activity Camps must be informed of this on the child’s application form. In this case, Cheltenham Activity Camps will ask for written consent from the parent/carer allowing us to administer emergency treatment if needed. It is essential that either the parent/carer or someone with the appropriate First Aid Qualifications give adequate training in how to administer the injection.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy
Cheltenham Activity Camps is a fully inclusive organisation, which supports all children to achieve their maximum potential. Cheltenham Activity Camps welcome children of all ability, from the most able to those with very special needs. Cheltenham Activity Camps want all children to discover and improve the talents they possess and Cheltenham Activity Camps hope to be a partner in developing a child’s confidence and self‐esteem.
Cheltenham Activity Camps have access to an Area SENCO provided by our local County Council who provides a supportive and informative role on request. Cheltenham Activity Camps monitor and review our practice and provision regularly and self-assess our working practices to ensure continuity and high standards for all.
Each member of staff will keep records of any issues concerning children with SEN and/or disabilities and will ensure that their progress is being monitored, evaluated and assessed on a regular basis. The Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager will be responsible for checking progress and holding meetings with the staff and parent/carers as necessary. The Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager will also be responsible for feeding back to the SENCO, any concerns or additional support that is needed to support the needs of the child.
First aid and Accident Reporting
Each camp will have at least one qualified pediatric first aid coach on site and will comply with the ratio of 1 First Aider to 50 children.
Any incidents, e.g. administering first aid, that need to be documented will be by the Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager and relevant coaches and parents/carers will be made aware of the incident that occurred to their child if serious. It is essential that parents sign all accident report forms so that they are immediately and fully aware of anything that may have occurred to their child that day. Our Emergency Action Plan is provided at the Sports Centre office.
If a serious accident takes place during the programme the parent/carer will be contacted as soon as possible and our Health, Safety and Risk Officer will have a full report.
Bump to the head form
- Any child that suffers a head injury will go through the head injury protocol:
- If a child gets a bump to the head, a coach will complete a ‘bang to the head’ form and an accident form stating the causes.
- The child will be given an ice pack
- The Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager and relevant coaches will contact the parent/carer and update them on the situation if more serious.
- If a child is still feeling discomfort, sick or dizzy later in the session, the parent/carer will be contacted and asked to collect the child from camp and take them to hospital.
Please see ‘info for parents’ for more information on contacting parents regarding injuries
Emergency services
If a child or member of staff requires emergency services due to a major injury/illness the CAC First Aiders will consult the emergency services immediately. The CAC Assistant Manager/Manager will contact the emergency services when required.
Accompanying children to hospital
If the Parent/Carer does not make it to camp in time to accompany their child to the hospital, a member of College staff will go with them and remain with them until the Parent/Carer arrives.
Sick Child Policy
Parents/Carers must call the Sports Centre (SC) as soon as their child is diagnosed with an infectious illness at home, to advice CAC that they will not be attending. The child needs to be away from CAC after the start of the illness for the time detailed in Annex A on the Public Health England website. If a child falls ill during CAC, staff will contact Parents/Carers and ask them to collect the child using the security procedure.
If a child leaves camp due to sickness, or a Parent/Carer calls in to say the child is sick, they must not attend camp for 48 hours (2 days) after the last time the child vomited. This is to prevent cross contamination and for hygiene purposes. If a child is sick on camp, they will be cared for away from other children and the facilities will be cleaned to minimise the risk of cross contamination or spread of illness.
Lost Property
At the end of the week lost property will be displayed at the parent/carer pick up point. Cheltenham Activity Camps cannot guarantee the return of all lost property and Cheltenham Activity Camps do send any unclaimed property on to the charity shops 2 weeks after the camps have finished.
Cheltenham Activity Camps takes no responsibility for the loss of any gadget brought to camp. Parents are advised to not let their children bring any gadgets, such as phones, iPods and tablets to camp. If children do decide to bring gadgets, it is at their own risk and Cheltenham Activity Camps will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
If a child is found to have a gadget with them, they will be asked to put it in their bag. If the child is seen again to have the gadget again during camp, the gadget will be taken from them and kept in a lockable cupboard until the Parent collects it at the end of the day.
Children are not to use their phone, tablet or gadget to take photos or record videos at any time
Videography and photo use for staff
Staff are not permitted to use their personal phones during the day to day activities on camp. Coaches are asked to keep them in their bags or in a lockable cupboard until their breaks. Coaches are made aware at training that, under no circumstances, should photos or videos be taken on their personal phones. An allotted camera is used for videos and photos during camp.
We will never publish photos/videos without the Parent/Carers consent. If at all a Parent/Carer is unhappy with a photo, or if their child is in a video, we will remove it as soon as possible.
Photos will only be used for the following purposes:
- Marketing purposes for Cheltenham Activity Camps
- Social media content (Facebook/Instagram)
Monitoring and reviewing
The CAC Manager will ensure procedures are implemented, reviewed and updated regularly. The CAC Manager and the CAC DSL’s will review the details of any incidents to ensure procedures have been followed carefully and appropriate actions and information sharing has occurred. A child protection or safeguarding incident can also be used by the CAC Manager and CAC Deputy and lead DLS’s to regularly review and update policies and procedures where appropriate.
Early drop off and late pick up
- Our standard hours for Cheltenham Activity Camps is 10.00-16.00. Any booking required outside of these hours you must book on to our extended days.
- An extra charge of £7.50 for every child is picked up 15 minutes late will be applied. Parents must collect their child by 17.45 at the latest. Parents are asked to call us if you are running late for any reason so we can inform the child and will require two members of staff to stay with your child.
- If a child is left beyond 18:30, we have the responsibility to contact Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Executive (GSCE) and take relevant advise from them.
All cancellations must be made in writing by email.
Refunds are granted through a tiered cancellation process:
- Cancellations made more than 20 working days prior to the start of the camp – Cheltenham Activity Camps will refund 40% of the fee.
- Cancellations made between 19 and 6 days prior to the camp – Cheltenham Activity Camps will refund 30% of the fee.
- Cancellations made less than 5 working days prior to the camp – Cheltenham Activity Camps have the right to not issue a refund.
- No charge will be made for a change of dates and bookings can only be moved if there is availability on the required days.
Venue Cancellation
- Cheltenham Activity Camps reserves the right that in exceptional circumstances we may have to cancel particular dates. This may include adverse weather conditions, low attendance or other unforeseen circumstances.
- Cheltenham Activity Camps will give every effort to inform parents within 14 days, but failing this, Cheltenham Activity Camps will give as much notice as possible. Parents/Carers will then have a choice of a full refund or a change of dates to another day/camp.
- Information will be sent out to all parents/carers and on the Cheltenham Activity Camps website.
Complaints Policy
Complaints Procedure- Stage one:
If any person, Parent/Carer is dissatisfied with, or has a concern about any aspect of the camp they should, in the first instance, take up their concern with a Coach or senior member of staff. This will be a minor complaint, which can be dealt with as soon as possible and recollected to the CAC Manager, by the Coach who is dealing with the concern at the time. If the matter cannot be resolved on an informal basis, then the individual should state their concerns in writing to the CAC Manager.
Complaints Procedure Stage Two:
The Parent/Carer will be asked to make a written record with the date, and the name of the child, once received the CAC manager will plan to resolve the concern. The CAC Manager will acknowledge receipt of any written complaint within 2 working days and an internal investigation will commence involving the CAC Manager, Assistant Manager and relevant Coach(es) to find out the causes and the nature of the complaint. All meetings and interviews with members of staff will be documented and kept as part of the records relating to the complaint. Once the CAC Manager has established all of the relevant facts from all members of staff, a decision will be made of the outcome and the individual will be informed, in writing and the reason why the CAC Manager has come to this conclusion. This will also include recommendations for dealing with the concern raised and potential amendments to our policies and procedures. This will be sent to whom made the formal complaint within 7 working days of the date on which the complaint was made, unless an extended investigation is required. At which point, the Parent/Carer will be informed of the new deadline (The CAC Manager will aim for a maximum deadline of 28 days). If the matter is not resolved to the satisfactory level of the individuals interest, then they are advised to proceed to stage three of this procedure.
Complaints Procedure- Stage Three:
If the individual is still unhappy with the report failing to resolve the situation, they will be referred to the Sports Centre Manager (SCM). The SCM will be updated on the nature of the complaint and any information provided by the Parent/Carer, with details of the investigation and responses made of the outcomes by the CAC Manager. A meeting will be arranged with the Parent/Carer and the SCM. The Parent/Carer may bring a friend or family member for support and minutes will be taken. This will involve any decisions made by both parties and will try to resolve the complaint immediately without the need to take anything further.
A record of complaints will be kept with the SCM and are kept in a complaints folder.
Complaints Procedure- Stage Four:
If stage 3 is not completed through lack of agreement, the Deputy Bursar (DB) will be invited to settle the complaint. After all considerations of all the facts the DB considers relevant, he/she will contact the parents to arrange a further meeting (within 7 days), or via a letter if the Parent/Carer so wishes, to discuss the recommendations and findings of the complaint and the decision made by the DB and agreed by all parties. This will be sent to the SCM, the CAC Manager and if relevant, the person involved in the complaint.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Cheltenham Activity Camps aim to provide a setting that is free from discrimination, either direct or indirect, by educating our children to celebrate different cultures, religions and races throughout the world. Our children are looked after and educated in a setting which is non-gender stereotypical and promotes positive role models globally in many facets of life, such as religion, politics and sport. Our policy and procedures adhere to the Race Relations Act (2000) in that Cheltenham Activity Camps will not discriminate on grounds of sex, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origins.
Cheltenham Activity Camps achieve this by:
Removing barriers to learning so that every child has an equal access to the full range of coaching and care aspects.
Employing staff who receive training and support to ensure their delivery is reflective of current government legislation with regards to Equal Opportunities.
Employees being positive role models who treat all within the setting with respect, without exception.
Adhering to the Government legislation of ‘Every Child Matters’ (2003)
Health and Safety Policy - Fire safety
The CAC Manager will arrange a Fire drill at least once per camp and this will be organised with the Sports Centre Manager. On hearing the fire alarm, CAC staff lead their children to the designated assembly point. A register must be taken and the amount of time it takes to assemble the children and staff to the evacuation point must be recorded. The fire alarm system is tested weekly (Tuesday am) to verify the system is operational and fully functioning by the Estates team.
The CAC Manager must be fire safety trained, which is run by a local company through Cheltenham College. This is to comply with regulations and a number of Sports Centre staff are also trained in fire safety training. This training consists of the use of fire extinguishers, assembly points and general fire safety precautions.
Health and Safety Policy - Risk Assessments
The Cheltenham College H&S Policy must be referred to for more comprehensive arrangements. A Risk Assessment of the facilities used is carried out annually by the Sports Centre team and the activities risk assessments are carried out by the CAC Manager annually, unless a new activity is introduced, which it is then carried out straight away.
A folder containing all the Risk Assessments are held in the Sports Centre (SC) Office, which is in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1974):
An assessment must be made of risks to the health and safety of employees, children and others who may be affected.
All necessary preventative and protective measures must be identified and actioned.
Health and Hygiene Policy
Cheltenham Activity Camps are committed to maintaining high standards of health and hygiene throughout camp.
Cheltenham Activity Camps will maintain the cleanliness of facilities and equipment, and give our staff guidance on maintaining a healthy environment and good hygiene practice.
Bullying Policy
Bullying is not tolerated at Cheltenham Activity Camps. If a child feels that they are being bullied then they are encouraged to report this to their Group Coach.
Group Coaches will pass this information on to the Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager immediately, who will then discuss the matter with the child and with their Coach.
A member of staff, in any bullying incident, will complete an incident report folder.
Staff will always talk to the child and find out who the bullies are then speak with each child separately.
If Cheltenham Activity Camps are convinced that bullying has taken place, then senior members of the Cheltenham Activity Camps staff will decide what action is appropriate.
If the bullying is of a reasonably serious nature, Cheltenham Activity Camps will inform the relevant parent/carer. In serious cases, Cheltenham Activity Camps will consider the removal of the bully from the camp.
All staff should be kept up to date with these incidents in daily briefings.
Behaviour Policy
Cheltenham Activity Camp staff are trained to treat all children fairly and recognise that each child is an individual. Cheltenham Activity Camps aim to provide a challenging, fun learning experience for each child and staff continuously encourages positive and good behaviour from every child at a programme. This is through recognising and rewarding through such behaviour.
If a child does mis-behave on camp they will go through a four step process:
Challenging/Inappropriate behaviour procedure
- Initially, the Group Coach will try to deal with the situation by warnings, exclusion from activities, welcoming the child back in under conditions.
- If unsuccessful: the Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager will try to deal with the situation, removing the child/children from the group.
- If unsuccessful: Parent/Carer will be involved. In some cases the parent/carer will be asked to collect the child/children during session time. Cheltenham Activity Camps will endeavour to involve a parent/carer at the end of the day whenever possible.
Suspending a child will only be considered after consultation with the Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager, or Acting Manager in their absence. And in accordance with the Activity Camp policy, on behaviour.
A member of staff will document incidents in the incident report folder and record any poor behaviour.
Reports will be shared with parent/carers when necessary.
Uncollected child policy
At least two Cheltenham Activity Camp coaches (1 being the Cheltenham Activity Camp Manager) will remain with the child until collected. Cheltenham Activity Camps will not allow the child to return home alone or with an unauthorised adult unless a parent/carer contacts the Cheltenham Activity Camps Manager. An extra charge of £7.50 for every 15 minutes late will be applied, if children are left with us. If a child is left beyond 18:30, we have the responsibility to contact social services.